Click on register

Fill in your information
Make sure you are above the age of 18 and in a country where Roobet is allowed to be used!

for access to great rewards!
If you have made an account without using my referral link, or registering without putting in a code, you have up to 12 hours to add code BEATSUKA via the "Redeem Code" section on the website.

In addition, if you already have an account, and it is older than 12 hours,
you can check your account settings to see if you are under someone code.
If the sections "Reffered by" shows NA, you can contact live support and ask them to add code BEATSUKA to your account.
Access to the Beatsuka Community and even more rewards!
We host frequent giveaways during the livestreams both on stream and on my Discord server!
If you win one of those giveaways on stream, you have to be in our Discord and have an Roobet account to be eligible to get your rewards!
Sign up on Discord, Verify your account, Fill in your Roobet and Kick username in the "Roo-and-kick-user" channel, and be sure to post proof of referral in the "proof-of-referral" if you are signed up under code BEATSUKA